Secret Lair is a series of limited releases created by Magic fans for Magic fans. Curated with reverence and packaged with care, its Magic’s love letter to the community, and its about to land where the community lives: the LGS. Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition is a one-and-done, now-or-never release.5 „Enemy Fetchlands.” Marsh Flats, Scalding Tarn, Verdant Catacombs, Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest. Deluxe packaging. Made just for Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition.Featuring art from five of Magics premier artists—Alayna Danner, Adam Paquette, Sam Burley, John Avon, and Seb McKinnon—set in five popular Magic planes, this collection of five enemy fetch lands is sure to turn heads.
Wizards of the Coast
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